Building people to lead a “Whole Health” life!

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The Real Life Coach cultivates authentic, prosperous, and whole men and women. This is accomplished by providing individual and group 5-dimensional coaching and counseling. The RLC provides a one-stop coaching experience as she helps those that she partners with to navigate through many life challenges, situations, and circumstances.

How can we help?

About RLC

Damita Hill has a Master’s degree in Human Services Counseling/Executive Leadership and has more than a decade of experience working with various populations in social services. Her many experiences have taught her how to reach people where they are. Through humor, warmth, transparency, and strength, she helps support, coach, and counsel people in the direction of becoming the best version of themselves.  

Damita Hill's heart's desire is to navigate others to wholeness so that they would not only survive, but thrive.

Damita Jo Hill (Real Life Coach) is the First Lady and co-founder of Be Whole
Christian Center. She and her husband also founded a para-ministry


A life coach helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals. A life coach can help individuals in different areas of their life. But because each human being is different, so will their goals. Coaching helps you to cross life bridges. A coach also serves as an accountability partner. Counseling is the provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional. When you combine counseling and coaching, not only are you able to reach new goals, but you also get to dig deep to root up underlying issues that may have hindered you in the past or present.

Coaching and counseling help you reach a level of wholeness in all areas. Instead of just working with one area in life, here you can achieve life balance, overcome past trauma, develop a healthy mindset, and live out dreams you deeply desire. You get free from your past while achieving an even greater future.

Absolutely! Each person is unique. However, we all need support, could use a listening ear, need someone to help us with strategies, and so much more. By getting coaching, you can have someone in your corner that will give you the extra push you need to get you to your best self.

If you don’t invest in yourself, who will? Investing in self is an act of self-love. Investing in coaching is also self-care!

Coaching/Counseling can go from 4 weeks to as long as needed. I typically meet with my partners for one hour per week. We all have an hour a week for self-care and to get to a greater goal in life. If you are struggling to find the time, please contact me right away so we can look at your life balance.


ZELLE: [email protected]


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